Writing While On The Move

Writing is a passion that requires time, space, and solitude. However, sometimes it's not easy to find a quiet place to write, especially if you're always on the go like me. But, don't worry because with a little bit of planning, you can still write while on the move. Here are some of my tips for writing on the road.

  1. Carry a notebook and pen with you: A small notebook and pen can fit easily into your pocket or bag and will come in handy when you have an idea you don't want to forget. When you're on the move, you can quickly jot down ideas, thoughts, and observations that you can later develop into a full piece of writing.
  1. Use your phone: Nowadays, most phones have note-taking apps that you can use to jot down ideas. You can also use voice recording apps to record your thoughts when you're unable to write them down. These apps are convenient and easy to use, and you can access them anywhere.
  1. Use your downtime: If you're waiting for a train, bus, or plane, use this time to write. Even if you only have a few minutes, it's better than nothing. You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish during the journey. You can also use your lunch break at work or any other downtime you have to write. 
  1. Plan your writing ahead of time: If you know you'll be on the move, plan your writing ahead of time. Think about your goals for the day's writing, the structure of your piece, and the key points you need to hit. Having a plan beforehand will make it easier to write when you're on the go.
  1. Embrace distractions: When you're on the go, it's easy to get distracted. Embrace these distractions and use them to your advantage. For example, if you're on a train, observe the people around you, listen to their conversations, and use these observations in your writing.

Lastly, don't forget to have fun. I’m often traveling for work and I always make sure to fit in time to experience new things. So, take some time off from writing to explore your surroundings if you can. Try new foods, and make new friends! All of this will only add to your writing in the long run.