For a band to make a good sound, they have to be in sync. Otherwise, music just becomes noise. After 50 years together, the Black Hats play in perfect harmony.
The quartet, under the leadership of Klyde Kurkle, was one of the biggest bands of their era and wrote an all-time greatest hit: "Seize The Day." Everyone loved it, but not as much as they loved the boys in the band. The Black Hats sure knew how to play to their audience, and their newest recruits, Esme and Asen, think they do a pretty good job today. Even if they do seem a little unusual sometimes.
Each band member has his favorite instrument and job around the purple airship where they live. Gruff Hunnicutt, with his handlebar moustache, plays any kind of horn you could imagine, and is the captain of all their transportation. Immaculately dressed Meyers is master of the bass and plays stringed instruments of every type. He’s also an excellent chef. And dumpy but sweet Banister plays the drums. He’s also a neat freak and keeps the band’s living quarters super clean.