The Inspiration Behind The Soundtrack For The Color of Music

It was over tea and a long conversation about our shared love for fantasy fiction that author Valerie first shared with me the story of The Color of Music. When I first read the story of Esme, Kurkle, and the whole band, I was immediately transported. Sitting in her London home in Fulham I could hear the sound of the wind and I knew what the band should sound like.

We began by talking about Val's own musical inspirations and I made a playlist of all her references from The Lord of the Rings score by Howard Shore to Vivaldi and The Beatles. At first, I was intimidated as they are some pretty big musical shoes to fill! But also I'm a big listener of film scores and I had my own references to bring to the mix. 

Here are just a few things that inspired me in the creation process.

If you haven't yet, head to read chapter one of the book right now and listen to just some of the music that was written especially for the story.